About 3 weeks ago, Noel and I found a little stray cat who had been sleeping under my car. He was so small and scrawny, we felt bad for him and brought out a small dish of some of Shadow's food and another dish with water for him. The poor cat was starving and devoured it. This happened for two days. He'd sleep under my car at night, and be ready for food in the morning. On the second day he was very friendly to Noel and I, asking us to pet him.
So on that second night we called the Orange County Animal Shelter (nothing like Orange County Choppers, that's for sure). They suggested we scoop him up and bring him in to the 'after hours' facility. We plopped the little guy in Shadow's old cage and drove him out to the facility that night. We didn't realize that the 'after hours' facility was a cage with a padlock. Someone would get him in the morning. Ugh.
Noel and I stayed with the little guy until the Animal Police folks came and said that he would be taken in that night... in about an hour. Heart broken, Noel and I left him there. The next day I went back to visit him, filled out the adoption paperwork, and was told it would take a week for him to get fixed and all of his shots. Sure enough, one week later he's home living with us.
Not sure how Shadow would do with a baby brother, we've been taking it VERY slowly introducing the two. Lucky has had his own room. But today I'm throwing him out there into the house with Shadow. There will be hissing, fighting and water being thrown. But in the end (probably abother 3 weeks from now) we'll find some sense of normalcy.
This is Shadow. He's 9 years old. He weighs 13 pounds.
This is Lucky. He's about 9 months old. He weighs 7 pounds.
Update: Some growling and slapping by Shadow. No claws being used. That's good. Some running and hiding by Lucky. I'm sure he'll come out eventually. Shadow has no interest in pursuing the fight. He'll let it come to him. Check back in for more updates.
Update (5/15 AM): Lucky is hiding anywhere he can. Under the bed (where Shadow can fit), in the closet (where Shadow fits) and on the bed (where Shadow loves to sit). So he's not very good at hiding. But still, Shadow is not seeking him out in any of these places. I figure that's pretty good too. We put Lucky back in his room when it was bed time last night. The two will remain separate while we are not home.
Update (5/15 PM): The two cats more or less ignore each other all night. While Noel is visiting with Lucky in his room, Shadow decides to come in and take a swipe at the little one. Not sure who is more concerned about this working out... the cats, or us.
Sounds like things will work out well.... the two cats may become good friends.... brothers! Love the photos!
Cats are stubborn when they ar first introduced however keeping them apart seems to prolong things, from what we experienced. They will figure out who is in charge in their own time at their own pace.
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