Thursday, June 28, 2007

Jeremy & the Lazynauts: Quest for the Beige-ish Fleece

We had a great weekend last weekend. Mom Myerson came to town to help us out in selecting some new furniture for our new home! We found some amazing furniture, too. Granted, we found even more crappy furniture... which makes it that much easier to find the good stuff!

Of all the furniture decisions made this past weekend, we only put money down on the sofa set for the family room. I don't think we were planning on spending this much money, but when you find an amazing quality product, you pay more.

Noel and I (and Mom) stopped into LazyBoy Furniture. The sign had my name on it. We walked through the whole showroom, and Noel found the perfect sofa set for our new home. Here are some images of the sofa and recliner we purchased!

The color shown is not the color we purchased. We purchased it in a beige-like color. The material is the softest fabric ever. It feels like a really plush fleece blanket!

This is the sofa. It can fit 3 people, although it is in two cushions. And, yes, each section reclines!

This is the matching chair. You can't tell from the photo, but the seat is oversized. Its either a small loveseat or a very large recliner. Mom called it a 'One and a half' chair. And, yes, this too reclines!

Fabric is so soft. So nice. I forsee many nights falling asleep on these!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Jeremy & Noel's Technicolor Dream Home

The exterior of our home is almost finished! As you can see the paint is now up. I've been told by Sabrina, our friendly KB Home Sales lady, that there are still some additional painting to be done on the outside, though.

You can also see that they're ready to pour the front walk, sidewalk and driveway.

This is the left side of the house (if you were facing the front). The A/C unit will be sitting right next to the garage door.

And here's a shot of what the interior drywall looks like from this past weekend. This is the view from standing in the front door of the house.

Check back soon... there will be some updates on furniture and other interior features. We're also expecting that the interior walls will be painted and cabinets installed when we visit the house this coming weekend!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Door to Door Solicitation

In an earlier post or two I've showed you this picture of our front door.
Noel and I like this door quite a bit. However, we noticed one big challenge with it... it's 8 feet tall, and there's no peep hole. I know that its easy enough to add in a peep hole to a door, though. But over dinner one night at her parents house, Noel's folks said, "Well at least you like your door, we don't care much for ours."
Noel and I, by the way, think that they're door is beautiful! It has a nice ornate oval glass pattern on it. I guess my in-laws prefer to have square or rectangular glass patterns. They were planning on buying a new door, to their liking, once they closed on the house.
My clever wife suggests, "Why don't we switch doors then? Ours has the fan pattern on top, but still plenty of room to add in square/rectangle glass patterns. And modifying the door would be less expensive than buying a new one."
And so it is. I called up Mike, the foreman, and asked him if he could switch the front doors. Not a problem... especially considering that there is only one lot between the two houses. Below is the picture of our new door (my in-laws old door).
Thanks Vito and Anna! We love it!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Its Got to be Better than Wet Wall

The drywall is on its way up! Last Friday (June 15th) Noel and I met with Mike, our friendly KB Project Manager. He's the foreman for the construction on the house. Very nice guy! He had no objections to moving outlets around to where we asked. He immediately took care of any request we had... which is awesome!

Here are some photos of the drywall going up inside the house:

(View from the front door.)

(View from the Kitchen into the living room. You can even see Noel smiling!)

(Inside the garage. The walls will be finished with drywall. Its just on its way up.)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Let There Be Light!

I thought I'd take a moment to offer up some more photos of what we are expecting to be inside the house. The features on the inside of the house were all designed and selected by KB Homes, as this home was an inventory home. After having seen the options that were selected for our home, and the other options available, Noel and I were thrilled, because we LOVED most everything they selected!

This is the style of lamps we'll have in the house. The chandelier will match, the outdoor light, even the pendant lights in the kitchen. Very nice looking style!

These are (obviously) the faucets that are going in the house. The one on the left is the Kitchen sink. The one on the right is the bath tub faucet in the master bath. The rest of the faucets will match this style.

Tomorrow is our Frame Walk with Mike. I'm sure we'll have more to post then...

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Worst Clown Name Ever: Stucco

This is what our house looks like (as of Sunday, June 10th).

As you can see, the stucco work on the exterior has been completed. The house is really starting to take shape nicely! The interior framework has been completed, and we even have a front door now:

The electric and plumbing lines have been placed through the framework and the drywall has been ordered. Our next step is our Frame Walk with the foreman. His name is Mike.
Noel and I have already noticed a few things different than what we were expecting. Mostly just outlets and TV jacks in the wrong spots. I called Mike earlier this week, and he said we can move all that around pretty easily. The Frame Walk will be this Friday.
The other exciting news is that we received a letter from KB HOMES telling us that our expected closing date is between August 9th and September 9th... almost a month earlier than we first expected!!! Might even be in time for Mom and Dad's visit in late August. Wouldn't that be nice?

Got a Case of the Shingles

Actually, we've got a couple of cases of shingles... and now they're all up on the roof. These shots were taken 2 weeks ago (sorry, a bit late posting... again). The color is called: Burnt Sienna.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

What Goes Around...

A number of weeks ago, I put up a post about how my father-in-law was able to finagle a free garage door opener for our new home. I am very pleased to report that I was finally able to repay this great deed!

I've also recently posted that my in-laws have purchased the house 2 doors down from us. Like ours, their new home is an inventory home, and there were no features that they were able to choose or modify. And also like our home, theirs was not being built with an automatic garage door opener.

Now my story can't be as good as Vito's (but then again, I still don't know how he did it), but I asked Sabrina, our friendly KB Sales lady, if Noel and I would get any kind of 'finders fee' for bringing her another customer.

And very politely she told us, "No."

With a big grin I respond, "Really? Nothing? Maybe we should take them else-where." Of course I was being facetious.

Sabrina smiles again and politely says, "Sorry."

I respond with, "Tell you what, in lieu of our finder's fee, why don't you just put an automatic garage door opener in their garage? We'll call it even." This was said in complete jest.

Sabrina smiles and says, "OK. I can do that."

True story.

Long Time No Blog

Sorry about this, but I guess I've been a week behind in posting.

Noel and I have been pretty busy at work lately, and we've been using our free time on the weekends to help out her parents. We've been assisting them with getting their house ready to be sold, by doing some of the heavy cleaning and light painting.

But in all that craziness we did get a chance to visit our home last weekend. I'll share those pics with you here:
(As you can see, we now have walls, roof and a small front porch!)
(Here in the laundry room, we'll have the access to the A/C unit. The duct work is already set in the house.)
(This is the bath in the 2nd bathroom. We'll have to keep it cleaner than this, though.)
(This is the pass thru "window" in the living room. You can see straight through to the front door! There will be an electric fireplace under the half wall. No we did not want the fireplace, but because it was an inventory home, we couldn't get rid of it.)