Saturday, September 1, 2007

You Put Your Pot In There...

This post is a week later. Mom and Dad were with us when we took these photos, but they do not appear in any of the photos. Sorry.

Here's the regularly scheduled exterior shot...

That looks much the same as previous weeks. But the interior is really starting to look nice! They installed our kitchen cabinets! With so much storage, we'll finally have a place for every kitchen appliance, pot, pan, plate, bowl, etc. Yeah!

The tile work in the master bathroom was started too. I really like the color! Finally, we'll have a place where I can shower.

Here's a closeup of the color of the tiles that will appear in the Kitchen, B'fast Nook, entranceway, Laundry Room and downstairs bathroom.

We're off to see the house again this morning. It'll probably take me a week to get those photos online. But keep your fingers crossed I get them posted sooner!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The pots, pans, dishes etc are going to be very happy in their beautiful new cabinets!!! :)