Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Good Fences...

Robert Frost once wrote, "Good fences make good neighbors." It was in a poem. A poem called 'Mending Wall'. It was about good fences making good neighbors...

I believe that Mr. Frost was wise when he said this. But Noel and I have found another way to have good neighbors... share a blood line! My In-Laws have (finally) moved into their new home! The movers came today and all of their furniture is in the new home. For those who are unaware, my In-Laws' new home is at 3704 Cedar Hammock Trail. We're at 3918.

How about a map to illustrate...

View Larger Map

We're very excited for them! I'm heading over there soon for the 1st supper! Noel is unable to join us as she's out at the Chris Daughtry Concert (yup that guy from American Idol a couple of seasons ago). I'm sure she'll have fun.


Jane said...

Mazal tov to the in-laws.... hope they love the new place...and then you can post photos of their house too!!

Anonymous said...

I should be with Noel at that concert!!! rats!!! but on a good note, please tell the in-laws that I wish them best of luck in their new home! Now I have to get on that plane and come and see both new houses!!! :)

Jeremy and Noel said...

anytime you wanna come down, we'd be thrilled to have you Suzanne!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks guys!! miss you!!!