Monday, July 23, 2007

One Ringy-Dingy... Two Ringy-Dingy... NO RINGY DINGY!


Our home phone service, the Voice Over Internet Phone (VOIP) from, is no more. The Sunrocket company has gone out of business. Noel and I are pretty sure we want to still have a home phone, and still feel that VOIP is the most cost efficient way to do so.

But, once we move, there will be no cable modem in our home, as the city of St. Cloud is completely Wi-Fi enabled as a public service. We aren't sure if there is a way we can create a landline internet signal from a Wi-Fi network. I know most people look to take the wired internet and turn it into a wireless network... we're looking for the opposite.

If anyone has any ideas that could help us, please share them!!!!


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