Thursday, May 10, 2007

In The Dark...

Sorry to have kept you all in the dark about the new house. I'm just not in the habit of consistently blogging. I even have some photos to share... at home. But there is all sorts of great things to blog about since the last post!

In the coming week I hope to get you blog posts about these exciting new topics (with photos!):

  • Lucky Little One
  • White Weeds
  • Mortgage Shmortgage
  • Cement Slab Creamery

So stay tuned...

Oh... and if you actually read this, please leave a comment. Just so I know I'm not writing these while nobody reads them.


Anonymous said...

Read it!

Ben said...

I didn't read it.

Scott, Meredith and Audrey said...

I'm with Ben!!!

I hope your building experience is much better than ours has been!!

Jane said...

I read it.... after you yelled at me for not leaving a message....