Friday, May 18, 2007

Stray Cat Strut

This is an update on the kitty cats. For the original post read here.

A bit more fighting between the cats last night. But fighting means that Shadow growls and swipes at Lucky. And Lucky sits there and takes it. Then tries to hide. Which he is still very bad at doing.

Last night we did not close the door and leave Lucky in his room last night. We left the door open all night. When we fell asleep, Shadow was on our bed, as usual. Lucky was sleeping in his room. When we awoke, Shadow was still with us, but I couldn't find Lucky in his room. Turns out, Lucky managed to sneak his way into our room and slept in a corner of the room.

He was still posturing that he was hiding from Shadow. But the fact that he wanted to join the rest of us in the bedroom I think is very good. Hopefully he and Shadow will soon become good friends.

I honestly think that Shadow is wanting to play with Lucky, but is just being too rough for him. Shadow LOVES to play. I'm not so sure Lucky shares that passion. Not yet anyway.

1 comment:

Jane said...

Sounds like things are moving along well between the brothers! They'll be good buddies soon.